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Bioperl toolkit

Object oriented (OO) programing

Bioperl uses slightly different style of programming from what we have been using. We'll talk about object-oriented programming briefly, so you can start to use bioperl without knowing the details (the definition of OO here may be a little hackish, but it serves our purpose).






Accessing documents

You can check perl related documentation by perldoc, similar to man pages.

# see some documentations about a topic
# Documentation for Bio::Seq Module
perldoc Bio::Seq

# to get documentation about Builtin Functions, use -f
perldoc -f splice

# Search FAQ with the keyword shuffle.  You can use reg. exp. for the keyword
perldoc -q shuffle

Additionally, these HOWTOs give you a good starrting point.

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Naoki Takebayashi 2011-11-17