Next: Non-uniform random numbers
Up: Basic Probability Theory for
Previous: Other random number distributions
You don't want to use a computer which does random things like a cat.
Basically computers are not good at random things. But we need random
numbers (or random variables) for stochastic simulations. We have
already used a pseudo-random number generator drand48() to
generate some random looking sequence of numbers. Let's take a look
at how to generate uniform pseudo-random numbers in more details.
- Early method by von Neumann: ``middle square''
- starting from a number (e.g. 8653)
- square it (74874409)
- take the middle 4 digits to create a new random number (8744)
- example sequence
8653, 8744, 4575, 9306 6016 1922, 6940, ...
- A sequence of pseudo-random numbers is a deterministic
sequence of numbers with the same relevant statistical propoerties
as a sequence of random numbers.
- There are tests of ``randomness'': e.g, uniformly dispersed, not
predictable. ``middle square'' method is not really good.
- A better, classic PRNG: linear congruential generator
- Given a seed (
), we can calculate the next
pseudo-random number.
srand48(integer) was giving this initial value.
- Example sequences:
- M=13, a=2, c=0, seed = 4
- M=16, a=3, c=0, seed = 1
1, 3, 9, 11, 1, ...
- M=16, a=3, c=0, seed = 2
2, 6, 2, ...
- periodic with a period
Some seeds can give shorter periods.
Longer period is desirable (Larger M).
- But longer period is not the only requirement.
For example,
a = c = 1, Large M can produce the full period of
k = M.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., M-1, 0, ...
- This PRNG is well studied and seems to be good as long as a,
c, M are carefully chosen.
- drand48() uses this algorithms and returns
convert the range to be [0,1).
- There are many ``improved'' PRNGs were proposed, but many failed
the tests of desirable randomness.
- In some simulations, you need to draw many numbers from PRNG, so
high period and high speed is desirable.
- Mersenne twister MT
(Matsumoto and Nishimura 1997) seems to be the current standard
- long period
(cf, period of drand48() is
less than
- Passes stringent randomnes tests.
- Pretty fast
Next: Non-uniform random numbers
Up: Basic Probability Theory for
Previous: Other random number distributions
Naoki Takebayashi