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Note that state i is the period when there are i lineages in the genealogy. Number of generations until the end of the state i is geometric distribution with $p = {i \choose 2}

durationOfStateI <- function(popSize, state) {
  prob <- choose(state, 2) / (2 * popSize)   # prob. of coalescence
  generations <- rgeom(1, prob) + 1

makeGenealogy <- function (popSize, sampleSize) {
  result <- numeric(0)
  for (i in 2:sampleSize) {
    ti <- durationOfStateI(popSize, i)
    result <- c(result, ti)

### The following is a better way of doing the same thing
makeGenealogy <- function (popSize, sampleSize) {
  return(sapply(2:sampleSize, durationOfStateI, popSize=popSize))

totalTreeLength <- function(popSize, sampleSize) {
  genealogy <- makeGenealogy(popSize, sampleSize)
  brlen <- sum(genealogy * 2:sampleSize)

numSegSites <- function(popSize, sampleSize, mu) {
  totBrLen <- totalTreeLength(popSize, sampleSize)
  numMut <- rpois(1, totBrLen * mu)  # poisson distribution

simCoal <- function(popSize, sampleSize, mu, trials){
  result <- numeric(0)
  for (i in 1:trials) {
    mut <- numSegSites(popSize, sampleSize, mu)
    result <- c(result, mut)

> simDat <- simCoal(popSize=1000, sampleSize=10, mu=0.001, trials=2000)
> 4 * 1000 * 0.0001 * wattersonCoef(10)

Remember $S = \theta a_m$, where S is number of segregating sites, $\theta = 4 N \mu$, and $a_m$ is Watterson's coefficient?

Selection at 1 locus

### freq(A1) = p, freq(A2) = 1-p
### w11 = 1, w12 = 1-h * s, w22 = 1 - s

## population mean fitness
wbar <- function (p,s,h) {
  return(1 - 2 * p * (1-p) * h * s - (1-p)^2 * s)

## Changes in allele frequency after 1 generation
delta.p <- function (p, s, h) {
  q <- 1-p
  mean.w <- wbar(p, s, h)
  result <- p * q * s * (p * h + q * (1-h))/mean.w
  return  (result)
recursiveAlleleFreq <- function (init.p, s, h, generations) {
  result <- c(init.p)
  curFreq <-init.p
  for (i in 1:generations) {
    nextFreq <- curFreq + delta.p(curFreq, s, h)
    result <- c(result, nextFreq)
    curFreq <- nextFreq

> inip <- 0.01
> sel <- 0.1
> num.gen <- 1200
> domi <- recursiveAlleleFreq(inip, sel, 0, num.gen)   # A1 domi
> rec <- recursiveAlleleFreq(inip, sel, 1, num.gen)    # A1 recessive
> add <- recursiveAlleleFreq(inip, sel, 0.5, num.gen)  # Additive
> plot(0:num.gen, domi, type="l", xlab="generations", ylab="p",
     cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.3, main="s=0.1, init(p) = 0.01")
> lines(0:num.gen, rec)

Genetic Drift

You can download the source code from here.

> source("gen.drift.r")
>  plot.gen.drift(popSize=10, initFreq=0.2, num.generations=100, num.trials=10)

This will start the simulation with N=10 and initial allele freq=0.2. It will repeat the simulation for 10 times (num.trials). In addition to the plot, it will print out number of trials that the allele went fixation and extinction, and calculate the fixation probability. Remember fixation probability = p (the initial allele frequency). Confirm this with various setting of popSize and initFreq. Notice that population become homozygous immediately with N=10, but it takes longer time when N is larger. So you may need to increase the number of generations (e.g. num.generations=1000).

Naoki Takebayashi 2009-03-27