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Source code

You can copy this from /home/progClass/src/altruism/altruism.c.

This looks like a little complicated, but it is a very straight-forward extension of the previous genetic model.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ALT 2      /* represent Altruist allele */
#define SELFISH 1  /* represent Selfish allele */
#define EMP 0      /* represent an empty space */

#define PRNT_INTVL 1  /* the interval to print out the state of population */

struct individual {
  int allele;
  int phenotype;
  double fitness;

/* global parameters */
#define NUM_REPS 100
#define MAX_GEN 10000
#define POP_SIZE 200
#define INIT_FREQ 0.5  /* initial frequency of Altruist */
int gNeighborSize = 100, gDispersal=100;
double gBenefit = 0.6, gCost = 0.2;
double gColonizationDifficulty = 0.95;
double gTragedyFreq = 0;
double gDamageFraction = 0.1; /* fraction of popSize, destroyed */
int  gDamageSize;   /* will become popSize * gDamageFraction */

void GetPara(int *popSizePtr, double *freqPtr);
void InitPopHap(struct individual *popPtr, int popSize, double initFreq);
void CreateNextGen(struct individual *curPop, struct individual *nextPop,
		   int popSize, int model);
void KillEm(struct individual *pop, int popSize);
void DeterminePhenotypeHap(struct individual *popPtr, int popSize);
void AssignFitness(struct individual *popPtr, int popSize);
double NeighborAltruistFreq(struct individual *popPtr, int popSize,
			    int indexOfTargetIndividual, int neighborSize);
int WrappedIndex(int popSize, int index);
int RandInt(int max);
int MyRound(double x);
int CntAllele(struct individual *pop, int popSize, int allele,
	      int *result, int resultSize);
void PrintState(FILE *fp, struct individual *pop, int popSize);

int main(void) {
  int gen, rep, popSize, numGen = MAX_GEN;
  struct individual *currentPtr, *nextPtr, *popB, *popR;
  int alleleCnt[3], winner[4] = {0};
  double initFreq;
  FILE *outFP;
  /* GetPara(&popSize, &initFreq);   /* get the values from the user */
  popSize = POP_SIZE;
  initFreq = INIT_FREQ;
  gDamageSize = MyRound(popSize * gDamageFraction);
  /* allocate memory for the population arrays */
  popB=calloc(popSize, sizeof(struct individual));
  popR=calloc(popSize, sizeof(struct individual));
  if (popB == NULL || popR == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "No Memory to allocate population arrays\n");
  /* file output of spatial structure */
  outFP = fopen("altruism.spatial.out", "w");
  if(outFP == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't open the outputfile\n");
  /* start the main loop */
  for (rep = 0; rep < NUM_REPS; rep++) {
    InitPopHap(popB, popSize, initFreq); /* randomly assign alleles to popB */
    for (gen = 0; gen < numGen; gen++) {
      if (gen % 2 == 0) {
	currentPtr = popB;
	nextPtr = popR;
      } else {
	currentPtr = popR;
	nextPtr = popB;
      CreateNextGen(currentPtr, nextPtr, popSize, 1);
      /* the last arg: 0=panmictic, 1=viscous */
      CntAllele(nextPtr, popSize, ALT, alleleCnt, 3);
      /* print changes in distribution of alleles for the first sim */
      if (rep == 0 && gen % PRNT_INTVL == 0) {
	PrintState(outFP, nextPtr, popSize);
      /* Check if extinction or fixation occured */
      if (alleleCnt[EMP] == popSize) { /* pop Extinct */
      } else if (alleleCnt[ALT] == 0) {  /* allele selfish 0 wins */
      } else if (alleleCnt[SELFISH] == 0) { /* allele altruist 1 wins */
    if (gen == numGen) { /* the two alleles are segregating */
  printf("Winning (extinction:selfish:alt:tie) = %d %d %d %d\n",
	 winner[0], winner[1], winner[2], winner[3]);
  return 0;

/* Initialize the parameters, Not complete */
void GetPara(int *popSizePtr, double *freqPtr) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Population Size?: ");
  scanf("%d", popSizePtr);
  fprintf(stderr, "Init freq. of allele 1?: ");
  scanf("%d", freqPtr);

 * Assume that there are two alleles: 0 and 1
 * Initialize the population, so that the allele frequency of allele 1
 * is initFreq.
void InitPopHap(struct individual *popPtr, int popSize, double initFreq) {
  int i, numAlleles, cntr, index;
  numAlleles =  MyRound(popSize *  initFreq);
  for (i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {
    popPtr[i].allele = SELFISH;
  cntr = 0;
  while (cntr < numAlleles) {
    index = RandInt(popSize - 1);
    if (popPtr[index].allele == SELFISH) {
      popPtr[index].allele = ALT;
  DeterminePhenotypeHap(popPtr, popSize);
  AssignFitness(popPtr, popSize);

 * Input:
 *   curPop: array containing the current population
 *   nextPop: array which will be created from curPop
 *   popSize: size of the population
 *   model: 0 = panmictic, 1 = viscous 
 * Side effects:
 *   nextPop will be created
void CreateNextGen(struct individual *curPop, struct individual *nextPop,
		   int popSize, int model) {
  int i, parentIndex;
  struct individual ind;
  for (i = 0; i < popSize; i ++) {
    for ( ; ; ) {        /* find a parent */
      if (model == 0) {  /* panmictic */
	parentIndex = RandInt(popSize - 1);
      } else {           /* viscous */
	parentIndex = i + RandInt(gDispersal * 2) - gDispersal;
	parentIndex = WrappedIndex(popSize, parentIndex);
      ind = curPop[parentIndex];
      if (drand48() < {
    nextPop[i] = curPop[parentIndex];
  if (drand48() < gTragedyFreq) { /* destruction */
    KillEm(nextPop, popSize);
  DeterminePhenotypeHap(nextPop, popSize);
  AssignFitness(nextPop, popSize);

/* population disturbance */
void KillEm(struct individual *pop, int popSize) {
  int i, site, index, damage;
  site = RandInt(popSize - 1);
  for (i = site; i < site + gDamageSize; i++){
    index = WrappedIndex(popSize, i);
    pop[index].allele = EMP;  /* became empty */

/* in the case of haploid, phenotype is exactly same as genotype */
void DeterminePhenotypeHap(struct individual *popPtr, int popSize) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {
    popPtr[i].phenotype = popPtr[i].allele;

 * We assumed that the beginning and end of the array is connected.
 * So index of -1 means the last element (popSize - 1).  If the index
 * is larger than popSize, e.g. popSize + 2, this correspond to the
 * third individual (index of 2).  It returns this "wrapped index".
int WrappedIndex(int popSize, int index) {
  return ((popSize + index) % popSize);

 * Input:
 *   popPtr: a pointer to the population array
 *   popSize: size of the population
 * Side effect:
 *   Go through each individual in the population, calculate its fitness,
 *   And the value is assigned to popPtr[i].fitness.
 * Fitness of an individual
 *   Altruist: 1 + b * p - c
 *   Selfish:   1 + b * p
 *   empty:    d (should be less than 1 for the population to remain)
 * Altruist pays a cost c to help others in the neighbor.  The benefit
 * to the neighbor group is proportional to the frequency (p) of altruist in
 * the group.  If everyone co-operate, the fitness of an altruist is 1 + b - c,
 * so it can be higher than selfish (if benefit (b) > cost (c))
 * The maximum individual fitness is 1 + b.  So I'm actually making the
 * fitness relative to 1+b.  In this way fitness is between 0 and 1.
 * The size of neighbor is determined by a global parameter gNeighborSize.
void AssignFitness(struct individual *popPtr, int popSize) {
  int i;
  double altNeighborFreq;
  for (i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {
    if (popPtr[i].phenotype == EMP) { /* empty site */
      popPtr[i].fitness = gColonizationDifficulty/(1+gBenefit);
    } else {                          /* non empty site */
      altNeighborFreq = NeighborAltruistFreq(popPtr, popSize, i,gNeighborSize);
      if(popPtr[i].phenotype == ALT) {         /* altruist fitness */
	popPtr[i].fitness = (1 + altNeighborFreq*gBenefit -gCost)/(1+gBenefit);
      } else if (popPtr[i].phenotype == SELFISH) { /* selfish fitness */
	popPtr[i].fitness = (1 + altNeighborFreq * gBenefit) / (1+gBenefit);

 * For the individual with indexOfTargetIndividual in a population of
 * popPtr, it caclculate the freq. of altruist in the neighbors.  If
 * neighborSize is 1, the neighbor consists of 3 individuals (target,
 * right and left ind.).  With neighborSize of 2, the neighbor cosists
 * of 5 individuals.
double NeighborAltruistFreq(struct individual *popPtr, int popSize,
			    int indexOfTargetIndividual, int neighborSize){
  int i, index, minIndex, maxIndex, numNeighbors, cntr;
  /* set the lower and upper bound */
  minIndex = indexOfTargetIndividual - neighborSize;
  maxIndex = indexOfTargetIndividual + neighborSize;
  /* count the individual with altruistic phenotype (ALT) */
  cntr = 0;
  for (i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++) {
    index = WrappedIndex(popSize, i);
    if (popPtr[index].phenotype == ALT) {

  numNeighbors = neighborSize * 2  + 1;
  return (double) cntr / numNeighbors;

 * Returns a uniform random integer between 0 and max (ends inclusive) 
int RandInt(int max) {
  return (int) (drand48() * (max+1));

 * Round the floating points to the nearest integer 
 * For example, 9.5 <= x < 10.5 become 10
 * This function can cause integer over-flow when x is large
int MyRound(double x) {
  int intPart;
  if (x > 0) {
    return (int) (x + 0.5);
  } else {
    return (int) (x - 0.5);

 * Count the number of alleles of type allele in the population
int CntAllele(struct individual *pop, int popSize, int allele, 
	      int *result, int resultSize) {
  int i, count=0, alleleType;
  /* initialize */
  for (i = 0; i < resultSize; i++) {
    result[i] = 0;
  /* count */
  for (i = 0 ; i < popSize; i++) {
    alleleType = pop[i].allele;
  return count;

void PrintState(FILE *fp, struct individual *pop, int popSize) {
  int i;
  fprintf(fp, "%d", pop[0]);
  for(i = 1; i < popSize; i++) {
    fprintf(fp, ",%d", pop[i]);
  fprintf(fp, "\n");

Naoki Takebayashi 2006-04-05